1. Introduction

Thank you for visiting www.astrodirect.in. In this “Terms of Use Agreement”, ‘You’ and ‘Your’ means anybody using any of the pages or purchasing our service/s on the website. “Website” means “www.astrodirect.in” website and its owner/s.

2. Uses of Website

You may not use the website for any purpose that is illegal or unlawful or that is otherwise prohibited by this agreement and Indian laws. You may not use the website so as to interfere with “others” using the Website.

3. Your fundamentals

You represent and admit that you are of sufficient legal age to use this Website. You understand that you are financially responsible for all uses of this website. You warrant that all the information supplied by you in using the services of this website are true and accurate.

4. Copyright

AstroDirect and its owner/s retain all rights with respect to all software and underlying information and material available through the “Website”.

The information contained and/or provided in this “Website” is meant solely for our business purposes and should not be relied upon for any other use whatsoever.

You may not use any information or content on the “Website” without the written permission of the authorized person and in full compliance with all other Indian and other applicable laws and regulations.

5. Disclaimer

Our suggested remedial measures are traditional and based on ancient Vedic astrology principles and apparently, cause no harm. However, you should use your discretion to follow remedial measures suggested by “Website” to you and importantly, these remedial measures should not be used as a substitution for the advice, programs, or treatment that would normally be received from a licensed professional, such as a lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist, or a financial adviser. You must not hold the “Website” responsible for any occurred developments or changes, whatsoever.

7. Agreement

By choosing to visit our website or purchasing our service/s, you agree to abide by this “Terms of Use Agreement” described in para number one to six. Furthermore, you agree that any dispute is subjected to the Hyderabad Jurisdiction only.