1. Introduction

Thank you for visiting Astro Direct.in This privacy policy will help you understand how Astro Direct and its owner/s also referred to as “us”, “we”, “our”, uses and protects the information you provide to us when you visit and purchase our service/s from our website www.astrodirect.in, also Referred to as “website” and “service”.

2. Information Collected

Astro Direct collects some communicating information from you when you purchase our Service/s that can be used to identify and meant for communicating to you, such as your name, e-mail address, and Cell/Phone Number/s. You also provide us with your birth information which includes birth date, birth time, and birthplace to prepare your birth chart and to get it analyzed, and to get answers to your queries and suggested remedial measures and other outcomes. We respect your privacy and treat both communication and birth information as your private information. This private information that we collect from you is disclosed and used only in accordance with our Terms of use and/or this Privacy Policy.

3. Use of Your Information

Astro Direct may use your information to communicate electronically with you, like e-mails, WhatsApp, phone calls, or by any other suitable mean, for our website promotion or to respond to your queries or to Perform any other function that we believe in good faith is necessary to protect the security or proper functioning of our Site or Service/s. Astro Direct may use your birth information for our research purposes and to cite or for any reference purpose in our articles, books or videos, without revealing your name or identity. Astro Direct will not lease, sell, disclose or distribute your private information to any third parties. 

4. Safeguarding and Securing your information

Astro Direct is committed to securing your information and keeping it confidential. Astro Direct has done all in its power to prevent theft, unauthorized access, and disclosure, by safeguarding all the information we collect online from you, with utmost concern.

5. Disclosure of your personal information

You agree that we may disclose any information for legal purposes, in response to a request from a government agency, at times it may become necessary or desirable.

6. Amendments

Astro Direct reserve the right to change this policy at any given time, of which you will be promptly updated. If you want to make sure that you are up to date with the latest changes, we advise you to frequently visit this Privacy policy/page.

7. Agreement

By choosing to visit our website or purchasing our service/s, you agree to abide by our privacy policy described in para number one to six. Furthermore, you agree that any dispute is subjected to the Hyderabad Jurisdiction only.