How to live in a happy relationship and lead a blissful married life. For this, you need to know about your strengths, and weaknesses by comparatively analyzed each partner’s birth chart, interpreted by ancient Vedic Astrology principles.

It is a fact that our forefathers’ bond of marriage was inseparable like “Till Death Do Us Part” Just because they did check marriage compatibility before marriage.

Vedic Astrology principles are the same as before and you also can get benefitted by doing a compatibility check with your would-be life partner 


First, we analyze birth charts of would-be bride & Groom and analyze the strengths of their Bhavas, natural Dispositor planets, and dispositors of the chart in the context of five important aspects of life, which are, Marital bliss, Health, Monetary fulfilment, Luck factor, and Birth of children.

Secondly, we analyze and correlate the Negative and Positive factors of each chart which may cause or compensate shortcomings if any, in the above aspects.

Also, we compare the present major and sub-major periods (Vimshottari Mahadasha and Antardasha) of both, for assessment of the above aspects.

After this, we apply traditional Ashtakoot Guna Milaan comprising of eight parameters, namely -Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, Graha Maitri, Gana, Bhakoot, and Naadi, which gives us a maximum of     36 Gunas or points, and, Interpretation for the presence of Kuja or Mangal Dosha.

Finally, we conclude this report with a brief summary, which helps you in making a decision.             All above analyses are specific and done personally by us on per individual’s Birth-chart basis. 



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